Allergies, Intolerances & Gut Dysbiosis
Over the course of a lifetime, your digestive system processes many tons of food, representing the largest antigenic (stimulating an immune response) load confronting your immune system.
The Immune System
The immune system is a complex and dynamic network of cells, membranes and organs.
Gut bacteria hold the key to health
“For each human cell in your body there are 10 microbial cells, most of them living in the gut and helping us digest things we can’t digest on our own,”
The immune system is a complex and dynamic network of cells, membranes and organs.
Bowel habits can vary widely from person to person, but most doctors agree that anyone who passes hard stools and does so less than three times per week is constipated.
Supplements – what you need to know
Despite the appeal of supplements, we should not rely heavily on them to meet our needs.
Energy, glucose & insulin
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it merely changes its state. This is what happens when we eat. The food we eat becomes glucose, which is used as fuel to make energy.