Don’t be a Gluten for Punishment
It is estimated that 1 out of 133 people suffer from coeliac disease. For every person with coeliac disease, there should be at least six or seven people with non-coeliac gluten sensitivity.
What is Paleo Nutrition
The Paleolithic period began 2.6 million years ago with the invention of primitive stone tools and ended with the beginning of the agricultural revolution about 10,000 years ago.
The Liver and Detoxification
Food, alcohol, drugs, bacteria, viruses and the environment launch a daily assault on the body’s inbuilt detoxification systems.
Mood Disorders in Children
Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are umbrella terms for a complex set of conditions. In biological terms they are the result of a number of systems not functioning as they should.
Awakening to ADHD
An article I wrote on the biomedical approach to ADHD for Natural Medicine
It is time for Parents to Take Charge!
Chronic stress is the No. 1 disease in children today. It is also the most ignored condition in children, and therefore, the most potentially dangerous.
Optimum diet during pregnancy
Your pre-pregnancy BMI will generally give you an indication of how much weight you should gain during pregnancy.
Nutritional Therapy in ADHD & Autism Spectrum Disorders
There are six main dietary plans that are usually used as interventions in ADHD and ASDs.
Vitamin A: the key to a tolerant immune system?
There has been plenty press of late about the necessity of adequate vitamin D and how chronically low levels are implicated in anything from insulin resistance to depression.