Sugar blocks stacked

Sugar-proofing your kitchen

Do you really know how much sugar your child is ingesting? You may be avoiding the obvious sugars but it’s the not-so-obvious sugars in your kitchen that add up and also affect your kids’ health at the end of the day:

Peanut butter

A serving of peanut butter contains nearly 1 Tsp of sugar. Most of us wouldn’t allow our kids to sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar on their toast yet that’s exactly what you’re doing if your peanut butter isn’t sugar-free.

Fruit juice

1/2 cup of fruit juice can contain as much as 3 teaspoons of sugar even if it’s 100% pure. There is nothing nutritional about fruit juice – eat real fruit instead. If your child won’t drink water, continue to dilute the fruit juice until you have 99% water and 1% juice.

White bread

A slice of white bread contains nearly 1/2 teaspoons of sugar. If your child is eating 4 slices per day with peanut butter on each slice that’s nearly 6 teaspoons of sugar. It’s always a good idea to limit bread intake but if your child does eat bread, stick to wholegrain or multi-grain gluten-free.


Whilst raw honey may have health properties, it still counts as sugar at the end of the day. If your child is having 5 tsp of honey during the day to sweeten up milk or tea, that’s pretty much the same as 5 tsp of sugar. Limit honey to 1 teaspoon per day.

Popular maize flour & soy based “smart foods”

Kids and adults may love the taste of these cleverly marketed cereals, but each serving contains 1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar, not to mention a tiny amount of protein in comparison to carbohydrate content.  Sadly, there is no healthy box cereal. Eggs win hands down as a breakfast option but if you prefer to go for a cereal, try a home-made granola or rolled oats with some sugar-free nut butter and blueberries.