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Let’s meet virtually

Hi everyone,

Wow, suffice to say – these are interesting and stressful times. So while you find your mojo, don’t forget to keep on top of your health too.

Unfortunately, while Covid-19 is all most of us can think about, other health conditions have not gone away. Whether you have PCOS, endometriosis, an autoimmune condition or suffer from a mental health issue, remember to continue to support yourself optimally, this will ultimately pay off in immune support as we move through winter.

As we move to Level 4 restrictions on Thursday, please note that I will continue to offer virtual consultations only. This I believe is the right thing to do, because we need to continue to keep in-person interactions as limited as possible to help flatten the curve. I hope to review this when we reach Level 3 but will do so in-line with the Department of Health’s recommendations. I have also found our virtual consultations are working well so I feel confident that I can continue to provide you with the level of support you need.

Revised fees

I have also revised my consultation fees as much as possible because I understand that we are all feeling the pinch right now. Please see below for my fees for the coming months:

  • Initial consultation: R1,000 (this is a 35% discount)
  • 30 minute follow up: R468 (this is a 10% discount)
  • 45 minute follow up: R702 (this is a 10% discount)
  • 60 minute follow up: R936 (this is a 10% discount)

Consultation times

Like other parents, I am currently homeschooling my daughter, so until she is able to return to school I will be limiting consultations to the following times:

  • Monday through Friday: 2pm-5pm (as well as one late night consultation at 8pm)
  • Saturday and Sunday: available on request.

Please contact me directly on:

Stay safe, stay well, wear a mask and wash those hands. xx